When you think of a family business, the first thing that might come to your mind might be a small store managed by a couple, or maybe even a small firm. Have you ever thought that some of the most popular companies out there are actually managed within a family? Here is a list of […]
What Is a Lunch and Learn Program and Why You Should Create One?
Time is always problematic for businesses, as they often find they don’t have enough of it to train their employees. This is why most employers resort to some tricks to compensate for these shortcomings. As a result, they created Lunch and Learn, where employees can pick up more knowledge while learning. Therefore, what is a […]
The Hidden Job Market: What It Is, How Do You Access It?
There are plenty of great jobs out there, but not all of them are so easy to find. Getting into the hidden job market might be a tough thing to do, especially if you don’t know where to search for it. However, once you get access to this mysterious network, you might find some really […]
10 Smart Business Ideas with Low Investment to Try Out This Year
If you want to start a business, you should expect having to spend some money. Sometimes, it might be risky to invest a large sum in something you don’t know how it will be taken by people. However, you can still start your own business if you can invest less money in it. This way, […]
Freelancer vs. Independent Contractor: What Are the Differences?
Most people tend to mistake independent contractors for freelancers, or to think there’s no difference between them. They have plenty of similarities, but it’s wrong to put the equal sign between the two. Here are the freelancer vs independent contractor differences and how to tell one from the other. Why do people mistake freelancers and […]